How we smile is known to affect personal relationships, whether it is because of intense discoloration or uneven shape, most people are looking to improve the way their teeth look. Dental veneers attract attention as one of the possible treatments to improve the appearance of teeth. Dental veneer treatment can provide a whiter and straighter smile improving people’s self-esteem.
Dental veneers are thin layers of tooth-colored durable materials that are placed on top of the teeth. Since they can be shaped easily, they offer a straight appearance to the teeth. Different types of materials including composite, porcelain, Emax, laminate materials are available.
Types of dental veneers

Throughout the years, different dental veneer types have been developed to cater to different expectations and needs. Thus, these veneers have different advantages and disadvantages to each other. Let’s take a look at the details of composite, porcelain, Emax, laminate, prepless and removable veneers.
Composite veneers
Composite veneers thin composite resin shells placed on top of the teeth’s surface. The resin material is known to be durable and close to the natural color of the teeth.
Composite veneers are available in two different versions: direct and indirect composite veneers. Direct veneers are applied straight onto the teeth. On the other hand, indirect materials are prepared prior to application and made to fit the mold of your teeth.
Porcelain veneers
Porcelain veneers are known for their durability and hard-to-stain properties. This is why porcelain veneers are one of the most popular veneer options in the world. This type of veneer is custom made for each person and they will stay stain free throughout their lifetime.
Emax veneers
Emax veneers are actually a special kind of porcelain veneers. But their desirable qualities make Emax veneers worthy of their own category. Unlike traditional porcelain veneers, Emax veneers do not have an opaque look. They are also thinner yet more durable than porcelain veneers. The semi-transparent appearance of Emax veneers gives a more natural look to teeth after the treatment.
Laminate veneers
Laminate veneers are also known as dental laminates. These types of veneers differ in the way they are applied instead of the material that they are made up of. Dental laminates can be very thin shells of composite resin or porcelain. Because they are thinner, they require a less aggressive procedure and less interference with the natural shape of the teeth.
Prepless veneers
Prepless veneers are even thinner than dental laminates. Hence, they involve little to no drilling and shaving in preparation for the application of veneers. They cause so little disturbance to the natural state of the teeth that you can even remove them after a while.
What are removable veneers?

Removable veneers are pain-free options to improve your dental appearance. Once you obtain a removable pain, you can easily put and remove them by yourself. They are a good temporary solution for missing or chipped tooth. The only disadvantage is that you need to clean and take care of them according to your dentist’s instructions frequently as their color and shape may change. You should see a dentist if you are getting an ongoing dental treatment or suffering a dental problem before buying removable veneers because they are may increase the severeness of your dental problem.
Which type of dental veneers you should choose?

The question of which dental veneer is more suitable for you depends on your expectations, needs and the state of your natural teeth. If you are suitable, you can choose to get a dental laminate or prepless veneer to avoid any harsh treatment.
However, if you are concerned about your budget, you might want to opt for a composite or porcelain veneer. You can consult your dentist for a detailed assessment and comprehensive advice on your specific situation.
Should I choose to get veneers or crowns?

Veneers and crowns are both popular aesthetic dental treatments that serve a similar purpose. The difference is that veneers only cover the front of the teeth while crowns cover the whole. However, they are both used to correct the color and shape of the teeth to achieve a better smile. Crowns generally have a bulkier appearance than veneers and involve a more invasive procedure. On the other hand, they are better at protecting your teeth. To decide on which treatment suits your expectations and needs the best, you can consult with your dentist.
How long does the dental veneer treatment take?

The length of a dental veneer treatment can vary depending on the veneer type, number of pieces that you will get and the clinic of your choice. However, if you choose to get a veneer that is not custom made, it usually takes 3-5 days to complete the treatment. If you choose to get a veneer that fits your teeth perfectly, it might take up to 2 weeks. But don’t worry, your dentist will be providing a temporary set of veneers to you.
How long can I use dental veneers?

You might be wondering how long your veneers can keep their perfect appearance. Dental veneers are durable as long as the right material is used. Generally, the lifetime of dental veneers is around 10+ years. However, with proper care, this period can be as long as 20 years. Getting a high quality dental veneer treatment is an investment that you will life throughout your life, so it is worth to research and ask lots of questions before setting on the dentist’s chair.
What are the prices of dental veneer treatments?

First of all, before getting a dental veneer treatment, you should always consult a medical professional to be sure that you need veneers. There are lots of cases that a patient’s problem can be solved with a short operation. Although different types of veneers have various price points in all over the world. The roughly cost of one veneer is $1,500 in the USA, £800 in the UK and £150 in Turkey. Click here to learn more about dental veneers treatments in Turkey.