Sweat controls our body temperature. Sweat also is responsible for body odor. When bacteria react with sweat, it produces odor. Similarly pheromones that are emitted by apocrine glands also have an odor. Let us find out how to control excess sweat and control body odor.
Skin care- how sweat produces odor?
Eccrine sweat is produced by eccrine sweat glands that are distributed all over the body. This sweat that is mainly water with very small amount of salt, sugar, urea etc. is odorless. As this sweat appears on the skin surface it softens the epidermal keratin producing smell as a result. Bacteria feed upon the keratin and sweat and produce odor. In other areas of body, such as armpit, the skin is folded and moist and warm. That is the ideal place for bacteria to feed upon sweat and produce odor. Apocrine glands are mainly located around area such as scalp, groin and armpits. They produce fatty sweat with pheromones. Bacteria again break down this sweat and result is bad odor. The excess of sweat and /or bacteria can produce more body odor. The obvious solution to body odor is therefore- reduction or drying of excess sweat as soon as possible and keeping the skin free of bacteria. Here you should note that if you have any yeast infection, that can worsen the odor.
Skin care and control of sweat and odor-
Control sweat with antiperspirants. If you are having the problem of excess sweating, please consult your doctor who will suggest other methods such as botox injections and other methods. Washing body with antibacterial soap is a good idea. Keep skin dry as much as possible and change clothes that may be been worn while you had sweat because clothes continue to carry sweat producing bacteria until they are washed.. Clothes may have dried, but they carry the stench of sweat with them. Please change clothes after any activity that produces sweat. Some foods such as caffinated drinks, garlic, onions may add to sweat smell or excess sweating. Avoid these foods. Control sweat, control bacteria and keep body dry to keep yourself smelling fresh at all the times for better skin care.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.