Eat Right. Your Skin Will Thank You.
You know that too much alcohol and smoking can dehydrate and take oxygen away from your skin, risking its health, right? You know that sitting in the sun too long can damage your skin and that by not getting enough rest, relaxation, and exercise your skin can suffer too, don’t you? Did you also know that by not eating the proper foods you could be damaging your skin as well?
If you need extra help with detox and energy recovery, explore the following viral products everyone is talking about.
????? See Current Price
? Best Liver Detox Drink
Make Thirsty Thursdays Great Again – “I am not the type of person to write reviews on Amazon, but I had to change my ways for this one.
Drinking, is, unfortunately, my vice. I drink at least 3-4 days of the week and this takes a huge toll on my productivity the next day. I tend to operate at 70% capacity, which quite frankly, has put me in the verge of getting fired for quite some time now. Something HAD to change or I wouldn’t have a job for much longer.
After an amazing day drinking event followed by an NBA watching party at our favourite brewery, once again, Sunday Scaries hit hard. My Scaries are usually appeased by my second vice, impulsive shopping.
Given that my housemate is obsessed with alcohol flush, I decided to buy something for him, because, “Hey! I may lose my job, but I will still have my friends!” One thing brought the next, and browsing through related products (most of which I ended buying anyway), I ran into this miracle of a product.
Next week comes, and poor work performance continues. At this point, I am truly running out of options. I either stop drinking or lose my job. Given that both options could not match/sustain my lifestyle, I decided that this Thirsty Thursday will be DIFFERENT. I frantically searched through my amazon boxes in my closet (which at this point seems more like an amazon warehouse) trying to find the Recovery bottles.
These bottles contain the elixir for human life. I woke up the next morning, feeling like I was REBORN. After running a mile, I went in work, and everyone immediately realized something was off. “You look great today BUDDY!”, “Your skin is shining what’s up with that?” are only some of the compliments that kept pouring my way. Needless to say, I have used it every day since and as a matter of fact. My work performance has finally reached acceptable levels, while I can enjoy my weekdays as I like to.
I have talked to all my brajes and brajettes about this miracle of a product, and at this point, I am an unofficial sales rep for them. If there is anyone reading this out there, THANK YOU for saving my Thirsty Thursdays and please consider me if any marketing positions open up!
Morning Recovery is the hero I needed, but didn’t deserve!”
????? See Current Price
? Best Juice Detoxifier
HONEY YASSSS! – “I bought the 5 day skinny cleanse and when I tell you it is a must it is totally a must! When I started the cleanse I was 219 and when I finished I was 206. It isn’t for the faint of hearts or the people that buy products and cheat while on them and then claim it doesn’t work if you stick to it and only it with drinking water it works! I pooped a lot (TMI) but trying to provide realistic information as well on top of water I had cucumbers and lemon which I would eat once the water was gone just to have the chew effect, there were slight headaches but I drank more water and I would only walk for 45 minutes day 1, 3, and 5. I weighed myself the mornings starting and I weighed myself the day after I finished last drink. I like the flavors overall the one that I had to kind of chug was the cucumber, pineapple, and aloe Vera because the cucumber was a little over powering but by day 5 is was tolerable and done so not really of a complaint. If you are not going to drink these as the directions suggest then have it as a “breakfast” item or “before/after gym” type thing but definitely will be ordering again. Side bar I don’t get anything from reviewing this item but I am truly happy that I stuck to it! Don’t be judgmental just showing my results..
I have talked to all my brajes and brajettes about this miracle of a product, and at this point, I am an unofficial sales rep for them. If there is anyone reading this out there, THANK YOU for saving my Thirsty Thursdays and please consider me if any marketing positions open up!
Morning Recovery is the hero I needed, but didn’t deserve!”
????? See Current Price
? Best Organic Blue Agave Nectar
Great Stuff – “Value used to be much better, but I’m diabetic and this is the only low-glycemic sweetener that truly tastes like sugar unlike other ‘sweeteners’ that are unhealthy and always have some yucky aftertaste. I use it in beverages, baking and cooking. In the cold winters, I make homemade hot chocolate without any sweetening and put out the Agave, sugar and other sweeteners for my guests to add their own. Over the years, they’ve all chosen the Agave! Good stuff.”
Here are some foods that can help you maintain healthy skin and nourish skin that’s been damaged:
Fish, Beans and Oils
Many of you have heard me preach of the vital role essential fatty acids play with aging skin, as EFA’s are required to maintain skin elasticity. Denying your body of the ‘good’ fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, can cause your skin to wrinkle prematurely. Good sources of EFA’s in your diet are fish, especially salmon, and nuts like almonds and sunflower seeds. The best sources of EFA’s also come in flax seed oil, coconut oil and borage oil, which can be incorporated into your cooking or as a daily supplement.
Got acne? Spinach and other dark green vegetables are antioxidants that can reduce the inflammation of pimples, and orange vegetables such as carrots and peppers, are high in beta-carotene, which turns into Vitamin A in your body to heal damaged skin. Winter vegetables are packed with beta-carotene. I encourage you to stock up on your squash. Your skin will love you for it!
Blackberries, plums, strawberries, blueberries and prunes are all included in the group of fruits that can help you keep your system toxic-free, and thus help your skin look radiant and healthy! Be sure not to throw out wilted veggies & spent fruit. Simply puree them in your blender, making your own alpha-hydroxy, anti-aging face wash! You really don’t need to spend a fortune on high end products when all the sought after ingredients are already in your fridge. Be sure to read on for your free monthly recipe.
Turkey and Chicken (White Meat)
Your skin’s cells cannot be repaired without protein. Don’t or can’t eat meat? Nuts! No, I mean eat nuts for protein. You can also substitute meat with egg whites or soy products to get the protein you need as well.
Water, Water, and More Water
If there is any substance in the world that your body just can’t get enough of, it’s water. Since your body consists of approximately 80% water, it only makes sense that you need to replenish the water in your body, especially if you exercise a lot or live in a dry climate. Sodas and caffeinated drinks dehydrate your skin. If drinking water is challenging, slices of cucumber or oranges with mint sprigs create a refreshing spa beverage that you can keep refrigerated or fill up your sports bottle when on the go.
It is true that you are what you eat, so eat well, live well, and look totally awesome! Be sure to visit your local farmer’s markets or natural food grocers for organic foods, free of hormones and pesticides. By doing so you’re eating optimal quality foods and supporting a sustainable environment.