Home Health & Fitness Diet 6 Ways Your Body Can Benefit From Personalized Nutrition

6 Ways Your Body Can Benefit From Personalized Nutrition

6 Ways Your Body Can Benefit From Personalized Nutrition
Source: ama-assn.org

Humans as a species share many generic similarities, yet each individual is different. Metabolism of every person varies and depends on multiple factors like their genetic background, their age, their food habits etc.

Some families have a high probability of developing hypercholesterolemia. These individuals have high levels of cholesterol in their blood. Hence, these people will develop symptoms like swollen tendons at a young age. Many people in their families will have a history of a heart attack. Even if these individuals follow a low-fat diet, they will still have high levels of cholesterol in their blood.

So if a person suffers from a genetic disorder that makes them susceptible to high blood cholesterol levels, they will suffer from the coronary disease despite eating a regular diet. Herein lies the importance of personalized nutrition. People can visit this website to learn about the importance of personalized nutrition, which suggests targeted approaches depending on individual metabolic types.

How Personalized Nutrition Helps In Maintaining Good Health

Dealing With Cancers

Tumors are a mass of abnormally growing cells in any part of the body. When tumor cells become malignant, they spread to all body parts, becoming cancerous. Studies have shown that certain diet plans effectively improve cancer treatment (chemotherapy) efficacy.

Source: thehealthy.com

Diet regimes that involve fasting for short periods, that is, twelve to fourteen hours a day, are quite effective in disrupting a tumor cell’s metabolism. Cancer patients who eat heavy breakfasts and light dinners are better able to cope with chemotherapy.

Research suggests fasting for short periods affects tumor cells more adversely than healthy ones. A tumor cell multiplies very fast hence it needs high levels of nutrition to multiply. When the food intake is restricted to a few hours, the tumor cells are probably unable to satisfy their need to multiply fast.

Thus, a cancer patient’s diet should be different from healthy individuals. Doctors and nutritionists must try several diet plans and analyze which combination is best suited for a particular patient.

Reducing The Effects Of Kidney Disorders

Kidneys are the organs that are responsible for the body’s waste disposal. Kidneys carry out filtration and selective reabsorption to remove unwanted nutrients and retain the useful ones. If the kidney has to deal with large amounts of protein wastes in the body, it causes unnecessary stress to them.

Hence, a person who suffers from chronic kidney disease should avoid a high protein-containing diet. Many dieticians suggest kidney patients go for a Mediterranean diet. In Mediterranean cuisines, the food is rich in cereals, vegetables, fruits and yogurt. A lot of leafy vegetables like lettuce, cucumber and cabbage are used. The use of red meat and fish is moderate.

Thus, a kidney patient who goes for a Mediterranean or other plant-based food plan is expected to live healthier lives than they would otherwise.

Countering The Harmful Effects Of High Blood Pressure

Source: healthline.com

A person’s blood pressure is the pressure that the flowing blood puts on the blood vessels. With age, most people develop high blood pressure. This is because the flexibility of the blood vessels reduces with age. However, some individuals are more susceptible to high blood pressure than others.

For individuals who suffer from the signs of hypertension from a young age, a low salt diet rich in vegetables, beans and nuts is recommended. Doctors monitor blood pressure regularly and conduct blood tests to determine sodium levels. After a few trials, a certain quantity of salt consumption is permitted to regulate hypertension and maintain the necessary blood sodium levels.

Dealing With Coronary Diseases

Some people are more prone to coronary diseases like heart attacks. Both genetic and environmental factors determine the higher chances of having a heart attack. Environmental factors like the kind of beverage a person drinks can drastically increase the risks of having a heart attack.

A beverage like coffee is the favorite drink of many people across the world. Coffee contains a chemical known as caffeine. Some people are naturally fast metabolizers of caffeine. In these individuals, the caffeine levels get lower within four or five hours of coffee consumption. On the other hand, the individuals who are slow metabolizers of caffeine; the caffeine level remains high for as long as ten hours post-consumption.

Studies have shown that slow metabolizers of caffeine have an almost 60% higher risk of suffering from a heart attack as compared to fast metabolizers. Thus, the diet of slow and fast metabolizers of caffeine should vary.

Getting Respite From Recurrent Digestive Problems

Source: communityhealthmagazine.com

Improper food habits impact the health of our digestive systems. However, some individuals are more susceptible to suffering from digestive disorders than others. For instance, some adults are lactose intolerant and cannot digest milk products properly. These individuals lack an enzyme known as lactase that is necessary to metabolize lactose.

A lactose intolerant person thus needs to eat a diet that excludes milk and milk products. On the other hand, a person who is tolerant to lactose can process milk products well. Thus personalized nutrition can help a lactose intolerant person eliminate problems like bloating, stomach upsets etc.

Dealing With Allergies

Many people are allergic to peanuts, mushrooms, gluten etc. The susceptibility to an allergen depends upon a person’s genetic makeup. Personalized nutrition can help allergic individuals deal with their conditions.

Many people cannot digest gluten, a protein naturally present in wheat. Such individuals suffer from a plethora of digestive issues. They suffer from bloating, flatulence, nausea, low levels of energy etc. Hence, such people are often advised to avoid mainstream cereals like wheat; instead, their diet consists of other cereals like millet.


Source: foodnavigator-usa.com

Personalized medicine treats each individual differently. It suggests specific and targeted dietary changes to help people deal with everyday health issues. Making simple changes in diet plans can improve digestion, increase energy levels etc. Apart from this, avoiding certain food items can prevent life-threatening conditions like a heart stroke. Food habit changes not only prevent fatal diseases but also help the body cope better with treatment regimes like chemotherapy for the treatment of cancers.