In the 21st century, people have started making use of available resources to the fullest. Even before some things came into existence, scientists and innovators provided much-needed hype for various products and inventions. Ranging from smart devices and gadgets to mighty developments in different industries, everything is progressing excellently with time.
People have become more advanced with the rapid development in education and daily assessments of subjects. The much-needed creativity has also been increased with the rise in activities that spurge the human brain. As a result, the brain functions more proactively. One such segment in this development is the incremental IQ in people.
The intelligence quotient has been in discussion for the past many years. With its ever-increasing significance, IQ tests are one common thing that everyone would have gone through at least once. Whether it is a job selection or a competitive exam, IQ tests are considered one of the best evaluative bases.
Platforms like https://www.iq-online-test.com are great sources for getting a crisp idea about how these tests work. However, there are many people who believe that these tests are becoming outdated. But in reality, there are many things that cancel out this notion. The following section outlines a few interesting facts that highlight the importance of IQ tests and gives reasons why these tests are not outdated.
Top Highlights About IQ Tests (Intelligent Quotient) You Should Know
There are many interesting facts about IQ tests that not everyone is aware of. The following points highlight a few of these facts.
1. Gender Categorization In IQ Tests
Several studies highlight the preferential sections of IQ tests when it comes to gender distribution. Experts have highlighted that women specialize more in emotional intelligence and language development. On the other hand, men perform better in sections like spatial awareness. However, they also believe that these findings do not impact the overall performance in these tests.
2. Usage of IQ Tests
Most people would not know the actual usage of IQ tests initially. These were once primarily used for identifying the level of mental strength and mental retardation. People used to determine mental retardation using the IQ score the person attained. For example, scoring below 70 was a sign of mental retardation.
Different sections of an IQ test which comprises parts of shapes, Verbal Comprehension, Visual-Spatial, Fluid Reasoning, Working Memory, and Processing Speed define how powerful a person’s mental stature works. Therefore, in the early 1900s, people used to take these tests as a medium to define mental strength.
3. Types Of IQ Tests & Score Categorization
If a person is asked about different types of IQ tests, they would probably be lost in the question itself. There are several kinds of IQ tests, major ones are listed below.

- Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
- Universal Nonverbal Intelligence
- Differential Ability Scales
- Peabody Individual Achievement Test
- Wechsler Individual Achievement Test
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
- Woodcock Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Disabilities
Based on these tests, experts or analysts give a score and recommendation. The scores are broadly categorized into low and high scores.
4. Significance Of Low & High Scores
A high score generally means a score of over 100. This is linked with high IQ levels. A person is said to be super intelligent when they score 130 or above on these tests. However, these are just an estimation of intelligence. Moreover, high ratings imply a potential for learning and development, not signify they are smart.
On the other hand, low scores mean a score below 100. A person getting a low score is said to possess a ‘below average’ IQ level. Many people associate these scores with a hidden learning disability. Therefore these scores can help detect disabilities or diseases. There are many diagnoses available to progress these scores. These include adaptive skills screening, blood tests, brain ultrasounds, and full mental health screening.
5. Findings Based On IQ Tests

A definite answer to the question of why these tests are not getting outdated is the ability of these tests to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a person. It aims to get overall achievement in people.
For example, a person scoring 65 or 70 on an IQ test will face numerous difficulties in learning concepts and theories in a traditional classroom setup. New features and methodologies would be required to give clarity to such students.
Many schools conduct these tests to get an idea of how things will fit in an actual academic setting. Furthermore, these tests provide deeper insights into how teachers and students would interact.
Additionally, test takers will get an overall perception of students towards life and school. One step ahead in this process is to get to know the cognitive plus and minus points. On this basis, professors or teachers modify their methodologies of teaching.
6. Great Medium For Teachers
As mentioned earlier, teachers can adjust their teaching style based on the student’s IQ test scores. Adding to it, they might get to know how students with high IQ levels are progressing; whether their productivity and learning skills are increasing with teaching modification. Reducing the effects of depression and anxiety is also a decent result of such tests.
After every assessment, discussions on new methods and weak areas analysis can be initiated to make classroom teaching easier and uniform. IQ tests are one of the best tools to determine the cognitive aspects of a child. This is the reason why most schools are making it compulsory in their curriculum.
Bottom Line

From EQ to IQ, people have started taking advantage of these tests to regularly get insights into the cognitive aspect of the human body. Apart from schools, colleges, offices, etc., IQ tests have generally shown great signs to curb certain diseases and conditions. Disorders like dyslexia can be identified early on through these tests. Similarly, there are several areas where IQ tests have shown their mettle.