Having trouble with sticking to your fitness goals in the cold weather? There are 5 keys to staying motivated in the summer and will certainly help you with your goals.
? Best Winter Gym Shoes For Men
Most Comfortable Shoe I’ve Ever Owned – “Great sneaker. Very comfortable, lightweight and great for being on your feet all day. Practically feels like you’re just wearing socks on the top and sides of your foot and the foam in the sole is very supportive and cushy. Looks even better when you’re wearing them than it does without a foot inside in the product photos. I bought a pair for myself for an all-day, early morning to the late evening event which required me to walk and stand the entire day, and amazingly, my feet didn’t hurt at all at the end of the day or the next day. They’re now my everyday shoe and they’re so comfy that I bought this pair in a different colourway for my boyfriend who is on his feet all day at work.”
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? Best Winter Gym Shoes For Women
Great Comfortable Shoes!! – “Love these shoes!!! I first discovered these at a local shoe store. I’m normally a size 8 or 8.5 depending on the brand of shoe and the 8’s fit me perfectly with thin (or no) socks.
If you wear slightly thicker socks, you may want to go up a half size. I promptly wore these for 3 days straight at Disneyland after only wearing them for about a week prior and had zero blisters!!
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? Best Winter Gym Workout Package
It Works As Advertised – “Outstanding product! Let me be clear here. This is not a panacea for everyone. You get only what you are willing to put into it. No exceptions. I have seen comments where an individual was complaining about attaching the straps and attachments prior to use.
What in the world? One must attach their key to the door in order to open it if it isn’t automatically or electrically connected. I nearly went into cardiac arrest after reading that review. That isn’t fair to the manufacturer of the product. This isn’t a gym, a spa, a recreation centre or anything else like that.
The BodyBoss isn’t designed to replace those venues it is simply a platform where space is limited and one wants to do some basic physical exercises so that their body doesn’t resemble the couch or slumped over the chair they have been sitting in for years. I purchased it for squats and find myself doing other exercises that I didn’t initially purchase them to actually do.
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? Best Winter Gym Clothes Unisex
It Feels Nice And Warm Continuously!! – “I have Back Pain Caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis and keeping my back continuously warm helps me do my job… As I am a paratransit bus driver; Assisting Seniors/Elder passengers to come on board, I have to get in and out of the bus and this crazy Bay Area, cold weather is no fun… The Heated Vest has become my best friend, I just love it because even though I dress in layers I keep the vest on and stays WARM!..”
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? Best Winter Gym Series Treadmill
No Shaking, Sturdy, And Quality Product – “I had a tough time deciding on the treadmill. I was looking into the 200 price range but every time I read a review they said things like “don’t try to run on it” So I kept raising the price range until I found one that I was able to find the qualities I was looking for.
I wanted something that you could run at least 10 mph on and had an incline but not a manual one, and also a fold-up one because it would have to be placed in the living room. I read a review on this treadmill that convinced me this one was the one. I am 5’2 and 196 lbs. I used to be a runner but then I had kids.
Between work, kids and making dinner I found little time to exercise. Now I am so happy I made the choice of buying this treadmill. This treadmill is well made and sturdy. It does not shake when I run and is easily portable.
When it was delivered I had to schedule to be there because it needed to be signed off by the delivery company. They brought it into my house in a very large box. It does take 2 people to assemble because someone has to hold the console piece while you connect the one wire. It took about 30 minutes to assemble.
My husband did most of it with no difficulties. After plugging into the wall there is a switch at the bottom in the front that turns on the treadmill. The first week I received it I ran 20 miles with a 4.5 mph. No problems so far. I am extremely happy with this purchase.”
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Set Goals for the New Year
The key to effective goal setting is to set the main goal and break the progress into three to five sections so it’s easier to follow. When your goals become more specific and achievable, it becomes easier to stick to and eventually, you’ll reach your ultimate goal. The goals could be easily followed like changing your diet, cutting sugar intake, sleep earlier, etc. If you start with small and achievable goals, it is much easier for you to abide by your goals for a longer time.
Cure Your SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) exists in reality. Unsurprisingly, the lack of sunlight in winter causes you to feel this way. We tend to stay home to keep ourselves warm in the winter and cosy up under our blankets. If you have time, it is suggested that you could go out to exercise in the day and benefit from the sunlight. Not only it is beneficial for your bodybuilding, it can also improve your mental health.
Set Up a Home Gym
We know that the pandemic is troublesome to bodybuilding or weight losing. Since we’ll have to stay home most of the time, it is favourable to set up a gym area at home so you will not skip your daily exercise. Get yourself some dumbbells, or use old jugs as DIY dumbbells, gather yoga mats and some resistant bands then you’re good to go. A plus side is that you can blast music from your speakers as loud as you want and don’t have to worry about your earphones falling off when you exercise!
Try Something New
We know that it is difficult to stay motivated when workouts start getting repetitive. Look for different fitness routines and instructions so you can switch it up from time to time, this is how fitness trainers keep you engaged in your goals. If you are into new challenges, then you could also choose to sign up for new classes at the gym or learning new exercises. It is great for maintaining interest and strengthening your body. No matter what you’ll be doing, remember to stretch thoroughly before and after, so you won’t get injured easily.
Treat Yourself with a Warm Reward
We all know that apres-anything is the part of working out we most anticipate for. Some self-wellness after intense exercising would be a great relief. You could try taking a relaxing bubble bath, bake some good food or go for a massage that can help you fully recover from the soreness. After a warm reward, you will be energised and ready for more challenges!